August 28th 2021
Fireside Room, Chelsea Gardens, Surrey, BC

With the partial easing of Covid 10 restrictions the last weekend of August seemed a good time as any to get together for a party. It was also a great way to celebrate three Club members' Birthdays: sprightly 84-year-old Leslie Michael and Marie Orton shared a birthday on August 27th, and Lesley Jack whose special day was looming on the horizon, i.e. August 31st.

A potluck buffet, a couple of fun quiz games and a spot of dancing made for a convivial gathering of 20 friends and acquaintances. Although this was a relatively small social event, (we had to limit invitees to comply with the present rules) it was nonetheless a welcome change from the long months of Covid-19 enforced isolation.

A big "thank you" goes out to Ashley (music director!), and Jacquie (co-ordinator extraordinaire!) And, of course, all our guests without whose joie de vivre, this party would not have been the happy event that it was.

L-R: Lesley ("Oh my goodness!") Leslie and
Marie cut their Birthday Cake

Freda and Brian share a laugh.

Jacquie and Marie collaborate on show biz quiz

Glenn and Gwen enjoying the evening

L-R: Monique, Gerry, Betty M, Betty T and Carol.

Monique, Gerry, Betty M, Betty T(back to camera) and Fanch looking on.

Carol joins the two Bettys

L-R: Vivek, Keegan, Cherie(in red behind Crystal), Crystal and Bea (backs towards the camera)

Cherie and Bea figuring out the quiz answers with help from Keegan and Crystal

Master of Ceremonies, Ashley (doing his thing!)

Marie and Ashley (background), Leslie (giving them
advice perhaps?) with Bea, and Cherie and Keegan in step.
