March 16th 2019
Chelsea Gardens, Newton, Surrey, B.C. Canada

Well, begorrah....t'was a grand day 'n all to enjoy a sumptuous tea thanks to all the folks who brought their goodies to the tea table.
We belted out those lovely old Irish songs, that bring a tear to your eye, and a smile to your lips, didn't we now!
The two teams - Dubliners and Belfasters, struggled mightly to win an Irish trivia quiz...
and I think it was the "D's" who successfully vanquished the "B's". But then, wait a minute...maybe it was the other around!

Thank you Ashley for providing the music to accompany our vocal efforts, and many thanks also to Ashley and Marie
who pitched in to help Jacquie and me set up the hall.
Last but far from least.... a BIG thank you for to everyone who joined us at the party.
We loved having you!

Rosemary's Irish Cake...delish!

A selection of tea-time favourites
Yummy Cupcakes and Samosas

Eric Liu
Martha DaCosta

Andrew DaCosta

Betty Tibbits

Trevor Wright

Margaret Deefholts

Say 'aah'! Gerry and Betty Mackie

Maxine George
That's quite a hat Eric!

Vivek Savkur

Gerry and two Bettys

Caroline Wright, Pam Roberts

Marie Orton

Caroline Wright, Pam Roberts and Trevor Wright

Rosemary and Caroline Wright

Lesley Jack with Bonnie Noronha

Our youngest guest...

Dad and Daughter, Trevor and Caroline Wright

...with her Dad, Neville Noronha
