Message from Margaret

Hello Members and Friends,

Here we are in the loveliest Season of the year as Nature returns to life and full bloom - the white sprays of apple blossoms and the pink cherry tree flowers are bursting with colour. They remind me of the old melody "It's Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White" played by Eddie Calvert (click here to pull up the clip). And here's a view from my bedroom window this April morning.

As far as Club events go, our social get together to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in March was well attended and from all accounts, very enjoyable. See our "Letters" section for comments from friends who came by to drink green lemonade (a-la Ashley Orton's magic formula), enjoy a table laden with tea time goodies (thanks to all who contributed to the spread), win a few prizes (including an Irish themed quiz contest) and last, but far from least, sing out Irish ditties, loud and clear! For pictures go to our Club website

We continue to welcome members and friends to all our functions, and over the next couple of months these will be held around the Lower Mainland at easily accessable restaurants.

We are also in the process of planning a very special high tea to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in June (keep an eye out for more details to be posted on our site), and have already booked our picnic spot to mark International Anglo-Indian Day at Ryall Park in Queensborough, New Westminster— the date to mark on your calendars is Saturday, August 6th.

As always, we welcome your input: photos, anecdotes, travel tales, fond memories, recipes and any other comments that you'd like to see posted on our Club website.

Till next time, have a peaceful and joyous Easter, and may the Risen Lord hold you in His loving embrace always.
